
Monday, November 15, 2010


kahkahkahkah~~~the beginning of the remix storyyy....

yeahh..finally I've done my final exam...

just waiting for the last paper on 20th nov and then go back to BINTULU!!!

but something else is bothering me. thesis..haven't done yet!!!!
sometime just feel like wanna give up..but i have and need to finish my study in exactly 3 years!
Oh God,help me! I really need you to guide me.

anyways...busy2 mana pon..i msh jgak keep in
touch with my best buddy.
FACEBOOK! ahha..i u r my fren in fb..confirm ku sakit kepala tgk i post new status.
ntah la..i really like I'm not
sms~ing. heheheheh....
bnyk pkara tlh blaku bebrapa hr ni..i mean dlm semester ni..
mcm bnyk bnda yg gnggu fikiran..

dgn proposal yg xsiap2 lg..

br start perbaiki literature review semalam..until today morning...6am.
im exhausted..why have to be the hardest way for me to move on?
too many entertainment..byk bnda yg wat i lost..lost..lost n lost.

bnda yg spatutnya x diperlukan..wujud plk..
sngaja nak wujudkan suasana mcm 2..pastu nyesal..sbb d
h bkata2..

i hate a feeling when i hurt someone dh i xsuka...

like what i mention earlier...i hate someone that really misunderstood what i thought..
im trying to be nice you silent..don't wanna talk..just wanna let it be..
when someone is forcing me to talk what i thought n thinking..i begin to mad.angry.
cause you will never understand what i said.

u will never know..

nk ckp kte ni bebeza bhasa..msh ga bbahasa melayu kan..
ntahla...i cuba la nak faham apa yg u katakan..but by the
same time..cuba jgk la fhm apa i nak ckp. jgn la sembarangan je u nak hentam balik kan?

haihh..susah..nak ckap susah..xnak ckp susah..
love to share a story n pendapat ngan sapa2...
tp klu dah lain dr cta 2..susah la nak connect balik kan..

so the best way i by SHUT UP! lah!...hehhehe

mybe that y keja i xjalan2..byk sgt program xsenonoh n bfaedah yg i buat.
watching movie [CSI]...chatting with someone i like..i mean i love to talk to.. WOnder la Thesis blm siap2! LOL...

byk bnda la nak dh mls nak kongsi..

i need someone to respond for it sometime.. :P
hahha..anyway.. got new photo leyhh..

we enjoying our self by karaoke~ing.. heheheehehe




Friday, November 5, 2010

study and a note..

i have a difficulty in writing the S alphabet!!!!!

anyway...happy study kpd smua student2 yg sedang menghadapi minggu exam!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

She... friends..
here,some story for all of u..
I've been thinking this long tim
e ago..
I dunno what the hell am i doing,
until she act like that way..
maybe I used to say something to her,
and she felt bad about it.
then,decide to act that way.
I am so hurt..hate her..
coz she is no longer the person i know..
u are the one i really need....
mcmni, She tlh private kan post dia kt FB.
Dunno y..
I post la something kat wall dia.
tnya..what happen..
U xreply my sms?
then dia hanya jwap ?????? only.

APU! knp u bsikap mcm ni?
u make me hurt.
kalau ya pon u marah sangat.xkan la smpai mcm ni kot.
we used to be a friend b4 right?
xkan la u marah sbb kata2 hari 2..
smpai hr ni kot u mad at me..

u pon ada penah ckp bnda yg sakitkan hati i..
i xpnh pon mrajuk smbl private kan sgala bnda.
nmpak sgt u hot ngan i,

ok lah..i admit my mistake..
gurauan yg tlampau2.
tapi kan,i dah mintak maaf dah..

u r still not accept my apologize..
so, is not my fault anymore.

malas la kesah hal mcm ni..
dah la skrg dah final year..
u plak jauh..buat plak hal mcm ni..
skit2 bg jgak la effect pda i sndri krn i always on9..n see u r private ur
seems like u dun wanna me to comment anything about u said.

sedihh sangat..i dah mintak maaf tau..
menyesal u keep acting this way..
so,now u are making me angry again..
and i decided to private my account to U TOO!!!!!!!!!!

biarlah..biarlahhhh..janji dah i xsakit hati ngan u lg.
biarlah mcm ni..biarlah dua2 xnak mengalah kan??
U used to be my best fren..u dah byk bg apa2 pda i..
kecewaaaa sangat2.
i really need u..
but u seems like avoiding me. :(((((

ok lah..fine..

naseb baik i x block u from my account..
just wanna show u..
i can do the same thing too!!..

I dah xnak pedulik dahhhhhhhhhhh..
lantak ko lah!


still love u~~
but,in the same time.
i hope this problem will settle down and i have u back.
i still love u..need u..
but,just let the time pass by and decide..

with lot of love..
me to Jhoe..

Saturday, October 23, 2010

heading to PJ ...

another story last day...
went to puterajaya after having our dinner at Chop & Steak Restaurant.

those photo where i wear PINK spageti?(betul ke??)..
was a 1st night of puteraja with my rumate and ex rumate AND Reen..
it's was a cold nite ever in Puterajaya..

so,CAMWHORE 1st larh!..

me..after the picasa!


ryne..took so many picture of her..
but,only choose this ONE!

me again..
hu hu hu~~

Me and Ryne..
apa mcm ke??

meee, me and meeee~~~
hu hu huu


Ryne...forgot to edit..
to MANY...


yahh...jeling bha jelinggg...

Una & yun.. sepet dah mata..
sbb flash terang sgt!

. too..
sepet dah sbb flash.. :(


weh..weh..weh..tgk dpan tuhh..


we lurve green!!!~~~

banana Girl..

ahernyaa, aku mkn gakkk TAUhu Bakar..

. and green..weee~~


time to eatttt~~

ade laici kang..
and Tauhu bakar... ;ppp


dan Kerang bakar jgakk~~

okayyy larhh..smpai sni jer..
hu hu hu..
im in Finishing School class now..
got to go..
mock interview now..
and im not going to be an interview..coz imma Businesswoman..
so i am the interviwer..

bye~~see u soon..
with more picture~~ love love

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Addicted to edited~~ a story for you!! hehe..
baru2 ni i ada minat 1 bnda la..
edit2 gbr..hehhehe..

sbnrnya sofware picasa ni dah lama dlm lptop.
cma blm nak buat.
after lihat kwn pnya gbr cantek2 kt Fb..
then i decided to do lah..

after the try and error..
i akhirnya tlh bjaya m'edit' gbr bkenaan dgn SHANTEKKKKK nyaa~~

i dun care la maybe some of you out there dah penah tgk kan??
xpe2...tgk la skali lg..
sbb next time i nak download Adobe Photoshope!!! Yeahhhhhh

Check it outtt~~~
my first try anyway..
i really like it..this is a first try..
so,u can see that i only put my name on it..
the brightness too...exposure~~~


she is my beloved sista'....hahahhah..
miss her... :((((


okayy :) this is my friends..he and his gf..
lalalaalla.....apa mcm??


oh ya..yg ni..payah sket..
i took a long time to do it..cari ayat bgs...
from my sister Fb that quote!! :))))


dom..makin handsome plak sy tgkk..hehehhe..


ni org puteh...haha..actually Iban tOo!!
i Love her..she has a beautiful skin..
retouch only few's thing only..


okay..this my my her most larhhh..
like her tauk2 jak i nak tlg edit..
& she said..I LIKE IT!!! Do it Againnn~~~


Frouline Lambert..lOve her Names...


The Most romantic couple...
i like their picture..
so,i curi2 gbr dorg..n edit..
& She Like it tOo..
thanks Ivy...

well well and well..that it's...
actually there a lot of it..
it just that i have deleted it..bluerhhh~~~
hehehe..wish to have a camera or fixed my phone..
pas tu leh la i amek gbr puas2 & edit!!

for me,which cam that u use is not important..
but,the way u apply it at Picasa it important..
coz u can create a beautiful,pretty and bla bla

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Due date,,,Due date.. been a busy week few days ago..
and lot of things has happened..

teach me how to be strong and stay positive..
thanks for my family members whose give me a support..
love u all's..

skrg nak nak library ngan rumate...
kunun2 nak stay sana sampai siap la hr ni..
hope dapat la..
nak siapkan Proposal Final Year Project...

hanya tinggal nak update objektif ngan literature review je lg..
yes!yes! yes! i can do it..

bak kata pepatah yg aku slalu gunakan dl...
'nothing is impossible'...

xda benda lain yg lbh penting skrg,melainkan my study...
but still gunakan masa yg ada untk FB~ing and Blogg~ing...

lately,I've been enjoy my days so much..
busy with the family day..
dapat nombor last plak 2..
bak kata rumate..
but,im not the loser..they are the loser!!

hahahhaa..benar juak ia..
aku terima la..

anyway...nak mandi dl..
klu nanti ada idea nak mengarang lagi...
aku teruskan kayyyyyy.. my new blog??
me too..
pinkyisshhhhh neyyyy..

xoxoxooxooxoooxx mmmuuuaaaahhhh~~~~

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

FYP n others..

haihhh...mcm2 la..
udh ku plah hbs tek aku mpun proposa..
p time ku hand in ia,lain plak asa kuu~~
aku men copy jak statement ya dr tesis org lain..
gney nda ku explain ngan supervisor aku lak.

takut ehhh......
aku blm gk tauk gilak cmney mok plah data collection ya..
waaa~~kw nolong la aku..
iboh plak ko mpersoalkan aku byk2 bnda..pening dah aku..

aku xmok plah quantitative sbb aku mnyampah ngan spss ya..
byk bnda bha..
gney ??
plu kah aku extened? cm nyesal plak aku ngambi study psal Iban ya..
ne nda rujukan kt lebri ctokk...

aku nektok ng byk keja mok plah aihhhhhh...
fashion show gk k family day ia gk...
x ku maok plah,klak aku nyesal lak fmly aku xmenang..
aku xckup tangan dah 2..

makk..mok nangis..cmney tok??
ku hrp2 jumaat tok klas smuanya will be fine..
esk ku mok g bilik sumber..mok ngga tesis yg polah psal kuantitatif..
gney caranya plah soalan..
aku dh xda masa mok mlambat2kan keja..

nang nyesal aku plah kja last minit..
hhuhuhuhu~~~yg penting iboh la kaw wahai supervisor nyusah2 kan hidup aku...
n tell me what i should do...dun ask me..what is that..what is thiss~~

Sunday, October 3, 2010

hand off..

aku betul2 la xpaham..sama dia 2 btul2 xtau nak wat bnda 2 ke @ buat2 xtau..
im used not know how to do it okay? people learns from mistake what?
belajar laa cmna nak wat..jgn terus ckp xtau..
smpai bila u nak ckp u tau..
Sampai MATI kah??

mmg xlogik..lagi2 aku paling menyampah klu ada org xtau nak buat apa..
tanya pon tdak nak wat ape.termangggu ke situ je..ape lahh.
xblh diterima dek akal otak aku ni klu org 2 sama study sama2..sama buat keja sama pastu buat muka derkkkkkkkk jer klu kta ngah bincang..
aku mmg panas wehh..
rasa nak sepak terajang je muka mcm 2..

u smpai bila nk harapkan org bt keja utk u? we r in group which require us to do the task together..
what on earth r u think u are? damn son of a bitchhhhh!!!!

i wish someone like u will never get the benefit of anything what we used to do!!!!!!!
i really do..
im not a person who can tolerate with a person lazy like u...
i cant even forgive it when u were not asking what the hell we are sitting here and doing..
i really cant forgive U!!!!!

U ingt u sorg je ke xtau nak wat? tanyalaa..give an effort..
tu pon kene gitau ke? g mati la lagi bagus..
smua bnd nak gitau..
baik u belajar dr tadika @ masa u jd bayi la...
biar u ada kesedaran skit..
kepala hotakkk ko bjanmbul!!!!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


well..there's no place for me to talk it all out..
full of sadness..disappointed..

byk bnda nak citer beb..xtau nak mula dr mana..
"she" membelakangkan me..
aku 2 sapa?? kenak smpy cmya skli plu ko plah keputusan..
i really regret what have u did to me..and the else..

xdpt ku mok tulis apa2..
ya jak laaa... CIBAIIIIIII!!!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010


its holidays...
nothing much to do this semester tOO..

my plan with my friends is..Part Time!!
at KFC's.. lol~~

i nak wat part time sBB,poket mOney not enough for Me!
huh...hope with the salary(wargghh...blm pon isi borang dh ngade nak pk psal gaji)...

i can buy BAJU!!!!

that it for now..
no idea..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

owhh~~ camera..

i need camera..
dont you think so??..
what wonderful day i had if i had camera..

wanna capture this,capture that...
n edit it..make myself satisfied...


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

exam and assignment week..

hai u ols...hehhehehhe..(giler ape)...

this is a week of insane,babeh..
the time is totally not enough for me..
do the assignment and the revision..

eleh,msh jgk la i pg tgk drama korea smbl stdy.x mcm rumate i..
mmg study kaw2 pnya...nak tdo pon baca dl..
haiya..i pon ada buat ma...cuma..not last longer lah...

what i wanna say is..
final year projek blm stat lg...i bnda pon blm..
n i rejoin the Research Method group..
n more assignment is waiting for me....
i hate journal..analyze it and 'eat' it..

but,im still ok la rite now..rilex2 dl..
pastu pulun habis2san...muahahhahahahhahahhahahahhha..
then regret..kahkahkahkahakh

i wanna set in my mind that i wana do these thing ASAP..
n no last minute..
the sPss is coming scared of that actually..
hurmm..Ya Tuhan,permudahkan lah segalanya utk hambaMU ini..

bha,2 sj la dr sy....bubye..
doakan yg tbaik utk sy ahhh...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Learn to accept others..

cmni cter dia..
td kan i boring giler babeng..
so,i chatt la ngan sorg mamat nih..dia iban gak..
8 first dia ok la..joking2 around..make me laugh..
n we started a conversation about life...n laugh about it..

But,then suddenly i make a move laa..
by saying that..ble sorg laki slalu on9..dia cenderung xdpt awek laa coz hdp dia cma dlm alam maya jer...klu bcinta pon mybe xlama...ade2 je mslh...
dia pon respon..ya dia on9 bkn nak cr grk pon..sbb dia rsa dia xhandsome..

& ngan hipokrit nya i ckp..ala..xpe la..janji u dh kje..ade hdp sndri kan..
jgnla merendah dri sgt..(actually i like t chatt a handsome guys and be a hypocrite among not cool guy)...
cruel isn't it??...lantak laa

pastu,i mula la bmukadimah..i cakap ngan dia laa ade yg my kwn kwen askar..p dia pandai laa..dh jd cikgu..then family kwn i cm xrestu sgtlaa sbb laki 2 askar..x setaraf kunun..
laki 2 pon ckp..dia berterus terang laa..well..dia tau la cta mcm 2..n no komen..n dia ckp dia pnh jgk la dperkenalkan oleh mak ayah dia ngan sorg pmpuan..p dia rejek ppuan 2 sbb ppuan 2 xsuka ngan kja dia..

so,dlm kepala hotak i pon terpikir 1 benda..alamak..ntah2 dia ni askar..
then i ask him...r u an army..he said yes..
then i pon ngan selambernya i pon cakap...

i pon xnak la klu bcinta ngan askar ni..sbb x setaraf 1..2 xblh nak sapot idup i..(wahhh..mngadanyaaaa akuuu)...
kununnya i ckp,xkan la i nak skolah tggi2 pastu kwen lak ngn askar kan?? mcm pelik jer..hehheh..
tp,i ckp la..bukanlaa xbgus sgt..cma stiap org ade pndapat n matlamat sendri dlm hidup kan...
(dlm otak pk msti dia phm apa mksd i...)...

pastu ade ke ptt dia ckp salary dia sbgai askar 2 sama ga ngan student mcm i??..haha
siap ngan EPF lg oooo..uiyooo..serius benar laki ni..i dh cuak dh..hahaaa..
siap dia ckp klu bcakap 2 jgnla meninggi,nti makan diri..n bg nasihat spya i belajar rajin2 and jgn dok kejar harta sbb xkemana..budi bahasa yg org junjung..

insaf2....insaf2..sekejab la..hahahaa...

then i pon ckp..i xckp pon keje askar xbgus..cma i ada pendapat i sndri towards my own life..i accept what had u said before..i respect it..

dia perli i balik la dh stdy tggi2 mmg pndai bkata2..
(hoh..nak kena laki ni kata i dlm hEart..)
tp,i diam je la..mlas nak layan..i ckp blik la ngan dia..klu ckp psal siapa punya pkerjaan baik xkan habis smpai esk pnyer...better phm2 sndri jer..

the conclusion is..

1. FUCK you lahhhhhhh!! klu u xnak dgr n trima ckp i..
2. Go to Hell la u,bermukadimah plak pasal gaji siapa besar..
3. What The HECk laaahhhh!!! Mentang2 la u dh ada keja n dpt gaji n u ckp student mcm i xde kesedaran ttg hidup..2 xmerendah diri 2...2 dh meninggi n melambung diri dh 2..
4. Lanchaauuuu apai ko lahhh!!!!!! mmg ko bdk lpasan SPM yg gagal ngan ego u!!...

:P calm myself down here..
i feel more relief now..
ive tried to be nice..u r making me angry...plz off u go laaahh!!!!!!

moral of the story is..DO NOT BE REALLY NICE TO AN EGO MAN!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

trying to ignore....

lately,i've been ignoring someone because of something...
i know it was a stupid attitude coz i already know the truth about it!

aku buat semua ni bkn ape..nak mngelak pergaduhan bha..
kan mulut aku ni jahat sket..(sikit je laa)...
so,better Shut Up laa..then saying to much thing that will make u Feningggg**

tapi,mengumpat gak la ngan si kazen aku 2 klu dh xtahan..hahah..
lantaklaa...janji aku bahagia..

tapi juga(sekali lagi) aku laa...klu dh xsuka 2...
jgn la layan kan?? la *chan* la ngan org lain yg nak..
cibey tol la....aku tgk..huh!

tp(again)..nak wat camne.kte xleh nak stop org sesuka ati jer..
bknnye kte anak raja ke..Tuhan ke nak stop dorg mcm 2.. trying to understand..n that why i ignore them..

sbagai manusia..mmg la xlengkap laaa kalau x buat sesuatu benda bodohkan???
boleh mmg kurengkanlaa...

Bak kata lecture aku yg mGm tuh...belajarlahh menerima takdir..
tgh belajar la x ckup iman..hahahhah
jahat kan???
main2 pl ngan nasihat urg tua..

bha...mau jln pg jumpa si Dr.Sarjit sy ini...
Tesis belum lg bincang sama dia...slalu jak Bizi ngan meeting..
almaklum laaa...Ketua Jabatan..
aza aza!!!! Fightinggg!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


you know....i have a fucking confuse feeling now...
its not fair laa cause once i updated my blog,i get angry and saying something like shit..

ahh...pedulik u laa..

sblm ni i dh decide dh nak bli laptop ape memandangkan laptop i sblm ni dh rosak..
then bapa i pon cakap ok laa...tapi got problem laa about the money...

tell u da truth...he is retired already..n im guessing u are clearly understand what stuation
that i have now..

i said i wanna buy Sony Vaio which cost about rm3000+++...then my lovely dady said,ok la..
up to soooo happy...then i ask my sister how much the lappy proce exactly..
she said its about rm37ooo laa...

i go back home and started to count and count...i wanted to loan it..hehhe
in the same time i ask few friends about the choice i make

They SAID....Vaio is just for showing...better buy Hp or DeLL..

naahhh...datz y i got confused maa...,i have cutting my budget...
on my cloth...on my fOOd..everything!!
cause of the Stupid laptop!!..

sooo geram...!!!
dhlaa si pembuka kedai Pc 2 ckp nak amek yg rosak lptp tgk
x jgak dtg...klu x dh hr ni i dpt new lptp...

kesian my roomate coz i have to borrow her lptp for Fb~ying n chatting..

all of this my own fault laa coz didnt take care of my lptp with care...
sooo careless...(insaf sekejab)...

Bah..kalau i dh bli nnti i update la...

Monday, June 21, 2010

AnGau mOde... *___*

mula2 aku nak ckp cket la ttg angau nih...
angau ni bak erti kata lain ialah syok2..(kot)...
mana2 laa...sukati aku laaa nak ckp apa kan??
aku ada sjenis pnyakit sot2 laa...mcm angau nih..
mmg ada...tiap2 bulan ada..hahahah...
misalnya mcm ni.
klu nmpak jak laki handsome...mula la fikiran ku melayang
siang mlm tekenang2....(hahah..sot kan)..
2 la angau mksdnya...
i like dreaming...mmg suka....xblh lari dr dreaming..
p mlampau jgak kan??
i byk kli la dreaming about something yg tidak msk akal...
angan2 nak kawen ngan org putih yg handsome + kaya + love me like heLL...hahahhah
yaaa..betul..gila kan??
smpai stiap mlm kan klu dh ade laa artis laki hollywood yg i minat i akan angan2 dl ngan dia sblm tdo.
pastu br dpt tdo...
konon2nya mcm2 la i buat ngan dia...
alamakkk....bodohnyaaa nak ckp kt cni kan??
i mmg mcm 2..smpaikan klu dh siokkk sgt 2 blh plak i bt cam drama angan2 2....
heran tol la kpalak hotak i nih...
dl laa (back to the kisah bdak2)...
i pernah wat cerpen....
1st yg i bt..kinda melariskan laa...
smpai melayang kt skolah menengah lain...smpai skrg xjumpa..(aisehmann..laku la tgkap cikgu dh)..
its kinda romantic and cute story la....i mix it with the real life i had and cta rekaan yg agak mlampau imaginasi i jika difikirkan balik...
msa dl2 kan femes cta psal F4 2...sorg laki ego...sorg pmpuan yg kuat melawan...yeahh...something like that..
i really like that story....smpai skrg pon msh suka.....coz i hope 1 day ada jg kisah i mcm 2..hahah sot
berbalik kpd kisah angau td...
~~mmg ooo..klu i jmpa jer laki handsome mmg i tbayang2 kan dia ngan laa...have fun together2 laa..really fun doing that...but i realise that is not a healthy activity laa...sbb nti xdpt lak nak trima kenyataan kan???
yes...i am controlled it right now... Lah!!
baru2 ni i tgila2 pl ngan si cristiano ronaldo.pemain bola sepak 2....
sbnrnya i xtau dia main dlm kelab apa..xpasti sgt...soriii ekk..
lg haru i xtau dia main utk siapa piala dunia nih...aduhhhhh...bikin malu tol...
Ok..Portugal..( i suka ngan negara ni sbb my secret admire dl mak dia brasal dr portugal..ahaksz)...
smlm mlm br i tauk..2 pon kzn i yg tjerit2 nama dia msa tgk perlawanan ngan korea 2...OMGH
OMG!!!!...honestly tell u...i am crazy looking at him...coz he is damn Fucking Handsome man!!!!!!!... hahahha
lagi2 msa 2 mimik muka dia mmg menonjol laa....i can see how hw he feel jerk or apa2 jak la bcoz of the rainig days.... soooo comelllll..... i like him!!!!!
then, i said to my kzn... klu dia jg laki i.. konfem i xtidur 1 mggu n tgk muka dia jer....sbb excited sgt kan?? siLLy i am...
and that moment make me like watching football...especially watching him..hahahhaa
i xbpa minat sgt la ngan main bola sbb angau pnya psal....i tgk jgak nti kot...slowly2 bha..
nahhh....skrg aku bg tgk korg gbr2 cristiano yg aku suka....i hope u like it too..hehehee...
i gila jgak la tgk yg ni....
look sooo gorgeous kannnn?????..
simpel jer...i like jgak..

senyuman 2 bha......
aduhhhhh...cair i...

im begging you....
will u marry darling jane????.....
haahhaha.....cun kan?


nmpak x taring 2??...soooooooooooo sexy...
body 2??...xyah ckp la...
u noe i noe laah!!

smua gbr ni i cr kt google image....datz y u mcm pnh tgk kan???....

nvrmind la....we share2 la kan??...

bha...enjoy your life until it still can...dont miss any oppurtunity to like me..

coz...dh kawen nti mane blh nak gila2 mcm ni kan???

konon....bha..chow chin chau.....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

SHopping Addiction~~~

i think i got a problem regarding to Money..
or... i am having that fucking problem..

Omg..i cant believe it.
My dad used to said that my hand is just like him which is hard to control the power of buying..

Yes,i do admit is hard for me to keep the money for the next day if i go out with my fren.

Lebih2 lg laaa klu kwn 2 pon kaki jalan jgak.. mmg sukati jak duit ku kuar dr tgan.. klu g bank tu mmg x sah klau x 2 kali...
yala sbb byk sgt nak bli..pduhal xda jgak apa sangat dbli...2 yg bikin i heran...

knp jgak laa bperangai mcm nih... klu dh pokai br tauk nak jimat..
mkn maggi laa..mkn roti la.. plg truk pnjam duit kwn..( xnak ckp la...bikin malu sj)..
tp kan...msh jgak i bodo jer...still having that stupid~mupid attitude..
rimas jgak laa kdg2 sbb hati xtahan..

klu dh ada duit 2...pantang btul klu x kuar..tgk movie kahh.. mkan sedap2 kaa (harusss ituw).... pastu bayar taxi( mcm org kaya...xnak guna bas..sbb lmbt laa..pnas laa...xda klas laa).. no wonder la my money kehabisan... n my fren are agreed about it...we spend a lot of money in Taxi services... n FOOD!!...
aikk...itu harusss bha..klu x lapar kan?? tp kmi mlampau jgak..msti nak mkn sedap2... g KFC laa... g Kenney Rogers laaa...mesti nak meal yg ayam besar.. Pastu klu nak bli bju nak saiz yg M la..L laa... makan bkn main lg... hahahhahahha.... Mmg Lucu group i ni...but we a sproting to each other...but not always la...(its not comfortable to say it in here coz...lain org lain prangai kan??..

talking about shopping.. i really like it...klu ada byk duit laa.. klu xda tgk sj laa org bli.. hahah
i like xdala smpai hari2 nak bli...klu dh hbs br bli..klu ada extra money br bli mhal skit( skit jer laa)...pastu bju pl...i suke yg da latest yg baru2... happy sgt klu dh ada yg bkenan.. i like the sexy one...ahhaha...
y?? coz i have da asset...hohohohoho...wlupon COMEL...but i have another attraction bha.. x salah la nak tunjuk kan?? bkn pndai hbs pon... klu yg SLim 2 cantik bdn dia... i yg comel ni ada Ehem Yg Montokkkk kan???.... So fair n square la bha...

i xpeduli la skrg nak pkai apa...jnji i puas...u rsa xsesuai..aku pedulikkkkk apa?? Ada ku Kesah?? Ko pon bkannya cantek sgt... ada jgaj cacat dia kan??? sAybOkkk jer.... Diam2 sdhlaa... i xkisah pon u dressing cmne...saybok jerr...

LAtely i become more berani la pkai sengkat2..kat bintulu KL blm lg... erkkk...xtau knp...tyg dada ok la..kaki??? bLom lg..hahahha...

klu g club i salu wear mini skirt...more easy to dance maa...(heyy..ive lot to tell u about my cLubbing story...later lah!).....then now my dilema iss..whether to buy a Hp or laptop 1st... I want bothhhhhhh!!!...(nahh...see my craziness and addicton??...canot control maaa)... im sooo sad...i should keep the money laa kan?? my fren blh ape bli sndri ngan duit smpan dorg...i?? xkan xblh kot...

i nak smpan azam laa...go simpan duit sckpnya..then ckp msa..bli laa..(amboiii...senangnyaa sakap...buat?? kuat payahh ooo wa cakap Lu)....wawawawawawa....

i try 1st la...hoh??? xsalah kan??

ok la...klu i bjaya ..then tell u da story..hehhe

bha...chow dolo...pening palak tgk skrin nih... dedaaaaa...muaahhhhxxxx

Friday, June 18, 2010

me..simple of me..n only me...

i always love this one..
pretty ughh?... caahh..lantaklaa klu ko xsuke..
bluekk ;P


Yahh..i like taking photo like this..
sbb... xdala body aku yg comel 2 nmpak sgt..


ermm.. fuLL already...


My almost 2 years long hair..
taking at Cameron Highlands..


short hair...
i do think more than twice to cut it off okay...

i do...
i do like it...not feel regret too..

oh ya... stop dl laa..
next time update gk..sakit palak tgk skrin 2.. huhuhu..

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2010...earLy of FeBruary..

yeahh..i noe,its lil bit late 4 me to reniew my blog. i hve no time to updated it tho..
anyway..happy new year to me n anyone out there.. ape yg aku nak cakapkan kt cni ialah thn ni aku dh dpt ape yg aku nakkan dr thn lpas..sgt bsyukur atas segalanya..
tapiii..again im facing with money problem bcoz of the things that i have now..but,wat to do...all needs has it own sacrify....huhuhu,,,i wont regret it. . .(i guess)
byk bnde yg blaku spnjg thn lpas..hal ngan kwn..smpai blakunya psengketaan smpai skrg msh blm clear lg,but ade jgak bnde baik blaku..i got new bf..>again<..uuhhh...i noe..mmg susah la nak single nih..buka ckp laku...tidaaakkk same skli.juz kalu i dh jmpe yg sesuai..why not i accept him rite..he kind of nice person even there are things that i might regret wat will happend after this..
aku dh lali ngan kkcewaan..biarlaahh msa mgubati smuanya..akan ade jga kebaikan drpd smua ni..amen..hihihhii.. time i mrepek lagi k..~ dedaaa..