
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2010...earLy of FeBruary..

yeahh..i noe,its lil bit late 4 me to reniew my blog. i hve no time to updated it tho..
anyway..happy new year to me n anyone out there.. ape yg aku nak cakapkan kt cni ialah thn ni aku dh dpt ape yg aku nakkan dr thn lpas..sgt bsyukur atas segalanya..
tapiii..again im facing with money problem bcoz of the things that i have now..but,wat to do...all needs has it own sacrify....huhuhu,,,i wont regret it. . .(i guess)
byk bnde yg blaku spnjg thn lpas..hal ngan kwn..smpai blakunya psengketaan smpai skrg msh blm clear lg,but ade jgak bnde baik blaku..i got new bf..>again<..uuhhh...i noe..mmg susah la nak single nih..buka ckp laku...tidaaakkk same skli.juz kalu i dh jmpe yg sesuai..why not i accept him rite..he kind of nice person even there are things that i might regret wat will happend after this..
aku dh lali ngan kkcewaan..biarlaahh msa mgubati smuanya..akan ade jga kebaikan drpd smua ni..amen..hihihhii.. time i mrepek lagi k..~ dedaaa..