
Thursday, September 30, 2010


well..there's no place for me to talk it all out..
full of sadness..disappointed..

byk bnda nak citer beb..xtau nak mula dr mana..
"she" membelakangkan me..
aku 2 sapa?? kenak smpy cmya skli plu ko plah keputusan..
i really regret what have u did to me..and the else..

xdpt ku mok tulis apa2..
ya jak laaa... CIBAIIIIIII!!!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010


its holidays...
nothing much to do this semester tOO..

my plan with my friends is..Part Time!!
at KFC's.. lol~~

i nak wat part time sBB,poket mOney not enough for Me!
huh...hope with the salary(wargghh...blm pon isi borang dh ngade nak pk psal gaji)...

i can buy BAJU!!!!

that it for now..
no idea..