
Sunday, June 20, 2010

SHopping Addiction~~~

i think i got a problem regarding to Money..
or... i am having that fucking problem..

Omg..i cant believe it.
My dad used to said that my hand is just like him which is hard to control the power of buying..

Yes,i do admit is hard for me to keep the money for the next day if i go out with my fren.

Lebih2 lg laaa klu kwn 2 pon kaki jalan jgak.. mmg sukati jak duit ku kuar dr tgan.. klu g bank tu mmg x sah klau x 2 kali...
yala sbb byk sgt nak bli..pduhal xda jgak apa sangat dbli...2 yg bikin i heran...

knp jgak laa bperangai mcm nih... klu dh pokai br tauk nak jimat..
mkn maggi laa..mkn roti la.. plg truk pnjam duit kwn..( xnak ckp la...bikin malu sj)..
tp kan...msh jgak i bodo jer...still having that stupid~mupid attitude..
rimas jgak laa kdg2 sbb hati xtahan..

klu dh ada duit 2...pantang btul klu x kuar..tgk movie kahh.. mkan sedap2 kaa (harusss ituw).... pastu bayar taxi( mcm org kaya...xnak guna bas..sbb lmbt laa..pnas laa...xda klas laa).. no wonder la my money kehabisan... n my fren are agreed about it...we spend a lot of money in Taxi services... n FOOD!!...
aikk...itu harusss bha..klu x lapar kan?? tp kmi mlampau jgak..msti nak mkn sedap2... g KFC laa... g Kenney Rogers laaa...mesti nak meal yg ayam besar.. Pastu klu nak bli bju nak saiz yg M la..L laa... makan bkn main lg... hahahhahahha.... Mmg Lucu group i ni...but we a sproting to each other...but not always la...(its not comfortable to say it in here coz...lain org lain prangai kan??..

talking about shopping.. i really like it...klu ada byk duit laa.. klu xda tgk sj laa org bli.. hahah
i like xdala smpai hari2 nak bli...klu dh hbs br bli..klu ada extra money br bli mhal skit( skit jer laa)...pastu bju pl...i suke yg da latest yg baru2... happy sgt klu dh ada yg bkenan.. i like the sexy one...ahhaha...
y?? coz i have da asset...hohohohoho...wlupon COMEL...but i have another attraction bha.. x salah la nak tunjuk kan?? bkn pndai hbs pon... klu yg SLim 2 cantik bdn dia... i yg comel ni ada Ehem Yg Montokkkk kan???.... So fair n square la bha...

i xpeduli la skrg nak pkai apa...jnji i puas...u rsa xsesuai..aku pedulikkkkk apa?? Ada ku Kesah?? Ko pon bkannya cantek sgt... ada jgaj cacat dia kan??? sAybOkkk jer.... Diam2 sdhlaa... i xkisah pon u dressing cmne...saybok jerr...

LAtely i become more berani la pkai sengkat2..kat bintulu KL blm lg... erkkk...xtau knp...tyg dada ok la..kaki??? bLom lg..hahahha...

klu g club i salu wear mini skirt...more easy to dance maa...(heyy..ive lot to tell u about my cLubbing story...later lah!).....then now my dilema iss..whether to buy a Hp or laptop 1st... I want bothhhhhhh!!!...(nahh...see my craziness and addicton??...canot control maaa)... im sooo sad...i should keep the money laa kan?? my fren blh ape bli sndri ngan duit smpan dorg...i?? xkan xblh kot...

i nak smpan azam laa...go simpan duit sckpnya..then ckp msa..bli laa..(amboiii...senangnyaa sakap...buat?? kuat payahh ooo wa cakap Lu)....wawawawawawa....

i try 1st la...hoh??? xsalah kan??

ok la...klu i bjaya ..then tell u da story..hehhe

bha...chow dolo...pening palak tgk skrin nih... dedaaaaa...muaahhhhxxxx

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